Anthony Waked
Anthony is a PhD student at the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK CEN) and the University of Liège in Belgium. His current research lies at the intersection of nuclear medicine, cancer, and radiation biology. Anthony sees a role for scientists in society beyond the mere production of knowledge, and that is why he's actively involved in scientific organisations like the European Radiation Research Society, the European Working Group on the Radiobiology of Molecular Radiotherapy, and the Oncidium Foundation. He has also been involved in the Red Cross movement since 2016, first in Lebanon, and later in Belgium, mainly as a youth volunteer and trainer, first aid provider, and public relations officer. When asked what his mission in life is: "to help make the world a fairer and healthier place." He has been working on that mission as a youth ambassador for The ONE Campaign, an anti-poverty organisation that lobbies EU policymakers for policies on climate, global health and development. For a more ground-level approach, he recently co-founded the Mariam Foundation in Lebanon, which aims to provide access to medications for the most disadvantaged groups in Lebanon as well as raise awareness about public health issues. Anthony sees his involvement in The Good Scientists as a great way to further his own mission while helping scientists feel more fulfilled by using their knowledge and skills on impactful NGO projects.